For Teachers

CIFR for Teachers

The creation of the Common International Framework of Reference for Future Readiness (CIFR) for Teachers unfolded in two distinct stages. During the initial phase, our research centred on delineating the essential attributes and skills that a future-ready teacher needs to cultivate and sustain. The researchers compiled a comprehensive list of eighty skills deemed crucial for future readiness. Subsequently, these skills were organised into nine distinct groups, now recognised as the CIFR Dimensions for Teachers.









Professional Profile

Professional Profile





Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy

Emotional Competencies

Emotional Competencies

In the second stage, the research team focused on creating a comprehensive scale and formulating corresponding 'can do' statements for each CIFR dimension, encompassing a range of skill levels. These statements concisely express the proficiency of users in demonstrating their abilities.

The research project resulted in the development of a scale consisting of eight levels, ranging from A1 for basic skills to C2 for advanced future-ready abilities. The scale's extensive coverage makes it highly accessible for educators interested in enhancing their future-ready skills. It also sets out the standards expected of teachers as their professional attributes, knowledge, understanding and skills in order to be effective in their roles and make a positive difference to the lives of students.

The CIFR for Teachers is divided into three main bands, labelled as 'Developing', 'Competent' and 'Outstanding' and is comparable to elementary, intermediate, advanced and expert levels. Additionally, each of these bands is divided into two further levels, resulting in a total of six levels, as outlined in the table below.

Broad band Level General description score
(in %)
Developing A1 Your subject-specific and professional knowledge is limited and you can only demonstrate a low level of proficiency in fundamental skills and competencies within your field. <25
A2 Your subject-specific and professional knowledge is developing and you can demonstrate some proficiency in several skills and competencies within your field. 26-50
Competent B1 Your subject-specific and professional knowledge is good and you can demonstrate a good level of proficiency in numerous skills and competencies within your field. 51-69
B2 Your subject-specific and professional knowledge is advanced and you can demonstrate a very high level of proficiency in numerous complex skills and competencies within your field. 70-85
Outstanding C1 Your subject-specific and professional knowledge is excellent and you can demonstrate an excellent level of proficiency in a very wide range of complex skills and competencies within your field. 86-95
C2 Your subject-specific and professional knowledge is outstanding and you can demonstrate an exceptional level of proficiency in all the skills and competencies within your field. 96-100

The significance of the CIFR for Teachers

The Common International Framework of Reference for Future Readiness (CIFR) for Teachers goes beyond simply describing skill proficiency and serves as a foundation for measuring and improving integrated skills across different fields. It sets forth not only the expectations for teachers but also the standards governing their professional attributes, knowledge, understanding and skills. It serves as a universal framework for benchmarking, facilitating accurate and reliable assessment through its well-defined ‘can do’ statements. By delineating these benchmarks, it aims to ensure the teachers’ effectiveness in their roles and their capacity to make a positive difference in the lives of their students. The CIFR for Teachers is structured around nine dimensions, each encompassing a diverse array of skills accompanied by detailed descriptions specifying the anticipated level of competence at each tier. This framework facilitates the seamless establishment, thorough review, and insightful comparison of teachers' existing skill levels. By providing a comprehensive overview of skills across various dimensions, it serves as a valuable tool for educators and educational institutions to gauge, refine and benchmark the proficiency of teachers.